Monday, May 31, 2010

The Unembraced Program Continues Supporting Street Kids for School.

Praise the Lord, Thus far the Lord has brought us. As you can see in the pictures, I brought these kids right in the streets of Lodwar. and right now they are attending a boarding school at Nadapal Pry sch. The church is hosting them during holidays and gives them tender love and care since they were residing in the streets. Continue praying with us for these kids so that God can give them a direction in life and develop the love for God. I am not seeing orphans here, but instead, I am seeing the future leaders of this country and beyond. Thsnk you for visiting our website. for more information, you can visit or write to

At last God has provided for the Flood Victims in Soweto Village-Lodwar

Glory be to God,
He answered our prayer by providing partly for the people who were displaced by the floods last month. We still request for your prayers and any financial assistance so that we can continue giving hope to the displaced people around Soweto Village in Lodwar.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

About 500 people at Risk of Displacement

Soweto Village is one of the villages surrounding Lodwar town. Our IPHC church is right in the middle of this village. After the floods that displaced the inhabitants of this village. The people have been incapacitated to do anything after going through a trauma of the floods that detsroyed the homes. I have pasted a few pictures of the houses that are close to the banks River Kawalase. Currently these people are in dire need of foodstuffs and others need financial support so as to enable them to rebuild their houses which are now in a pathetic state.
For any communication and information about the IPHC church or the unembraced program you can visit our website
Alternatively you can be in toucch with JR Woodward the Director and founder of Kairos Los Angeles at